plastic solutions



The planning stage is essential to obtain an effective and efficient production. Through a detailed study using breakthrough softwares, we can design high quality products, with mechanical strength, durability and superior manoeuvrability. At the same time a detailed study of the products can provide most of the problems related to the achievement of the mould and anticipate critical points in the production phase. This increases quality, reduces the costs associated with implementation, development of moulds and moulding.

The main stages of the project include:

• analysis and definition of functional and economic aims;

• structural study of the key necessary to fulfil the mechanical, thermal and physical requirements;

• identification of materials suitable to meet the functionality;

• preliminary design of the piece;

• checks F.E.A. – F.E.M. (Finite Element Analysis, Finite Element Method);

• analysis of fluid dynamics in cavity;

• final design of the piece;

• design of the mould;

• implementation of the mould;

• testing.